Monday, March 11, 2013

...let me find myself in Your Voice

As I continue in my discernment, this morning, I uttered these words before Him in the Blessed Sacrament,
Let me find You, Lord in this calling, and let me find myself in Your Voice...

And minutes after in Mass, the priest in his sermon spoke about trust in God.  
"Trust in God and you will find that everyday is a miracle... With Him, you will walk in faith, hope and love in your life."
Was it an instant response from Him? I can only thank God for tirelessly and lovingly listening to me. But I guess God just have to be a little more patient with me. hehe

Allow Jesus to kiss my wounds?

I found the article on God's Gaze when a friend posted a link on Facebook. You must read it! This is beautiful! To quote from the article,
My spiritual director once recommended that for my daily Examen, instead of trying to feel God’s presence I let God feel my presence. I imagined what it might look like from God’s perspective as God brought me into God’s mind, felt my presence, and gained awareness of what I was feeling that day. This loving gaze revealed to me God’s desire for prayer with me, that my feelings mattered, and that God not only wanted to know about my day but wanted to experience it with me. That is compassionate love.
It reminds me of my summer retreat in 2010 when my spiritual guide told me that in all those years I was kissing the wounds of Jesus in the crucifix everytime I venerate, so why don't I allow Jesus to kiss my wounds? It truly struck me and just like this one, 'God's Gaze', it is a beautiful perspective that leads to the healing of our wounded-ness. And it is helping me in my healing process. But even this also needs the work of grace, so do we continue to beg God to grant us the grace to be open to His gaze, that we truly welcome Him as He embrace us with great empathy, acceptance and love.